BobsCNC is excited to introduce two new CNC software programs, Basic SENDER and Basic CAM. Basic CAM, is a simple CAD/CAM program that allows customers to create designs with a variety of geometric shapes. They can also add text and choose different fonts to create signs and plaques and even import DXF, SVG and Picture files to create 2D and 2.5D toolpaths.

When a project is ready to machine it can be simply exported it to Basic SENDER, BobsCNC's new gcode sending program.  Basic SENDER can be easily set up to run with any BobsCNC routers including the new Revolution Rotary Axis CNC.

Both programs come complete with a manual with step by step instructions along with a set of video tutorials.  It's never been easier to "Unleash Your Creativity."

The programs are being released for Beta testing, we’d appreciate your comments and suggestions.  Contact us at

February 11, 2022 — Keith Havens